Sunday, March 7, 2010

10 in 2010 ~ Week 10

OK - 9 weeks done and starting the last week of the 10 in 2010 challenge!!  This has been so helpful to keep me on track with goals and plans!  Somebody asked if I would be doing this again.  The program was set up by Recipe Girl and will be over at the end of the 10th week.  I wouldn't mind doing something myself when it's over to stay on track.  At the end of the 10 weeks, there will be 4 weeks until my birthday, so I think I'll come up with a 4 week challenge that you'll be welcome to join!

I did have my weigh-in on Saturday and it was a loss - .4 lbs.  Not much, but again in the right direction!  I sure am glad those WW scales do those decimals - LOL!  I know that I need to do more exercise and make some better choices with what I eat to lose more weight and will work on that eventually.  My main goal for this 10 weeks was to develop some good habits and become consistent.  Then I can add on!

Here's how I did this past week:

Weigh in at WW:  Weighed in; couldn't stay for meeting.
Track all food:  Tracked every week day.
3 45-min exercise sessions:  3 60-min. Wii Fit Plus workouts - Yay!!
Bed by 11pm on weeknights:  Not even sure I made it once.  :(
Drink 3 glasses water per day:  Did it almost every day!
Plan meals each week: I didn't plan as well for the week, but got through it OK.

3 things I'm proud of this week:
1.  I worked out longer than my goal each session!
2.  I've gone to every weigh-in during these 9 weeks, whether or not I thought I had a loss.
3.  Made good choices when eating out this week.

How was your week?  Do you have some good habits you're trying to develop?  Let's start fresh again and have an excellent week!!

Have a healthy day!
Lisa  :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've been doing great! I love how dedicated you've been with the weigh-ins. Going somewhere like WW makes support a little easier. I've had good weeks and bad, but I've had a healthier outlook in general so I feel pretty good. Still have some work to do before summer though!


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