Thursday, February 25, 2010

10 in 2010 ~ Week 8

Oops - never posted my 10 in 10 update for this past week!  We've finished Week 7 and started Week 8  - it's the last 3 weeks!

I did weigh in on Saturday, but the results were not what I was hoping.  I did lose, but only .4 lbs which was the exact amount that I gained the previous week.  While I'm happy that I lost my gain, I'm not happy that the whole 2 weeks net zero.  I want to see some downward movement this week!

Here was how last week went:

Weigh in at WW:  Weighed in and stayed for meeting.
Track all food:  Tracked every week day.
3 45-min exercise sessions:  3 45-min. Wii Fit Plus workouts - yay!
Bed by 11pm on weeknights:  3 times?
Drink 3 glasses water per day:  Succeeded most of the week!
Plan meals each week: Meals were planned out, healthy and yummy.

It was a good week for me even though the scale really didn't reflect it.  I think I need to be really careful about evening snacking and asked my hubby to try and refrain from getting snacks out.  This week I'm making healthy desserts/snacks so that we do have something to munch on a little in the evening.

3 things I'm proud of for the week:
1.  I got my 3 workouts in!
2.  I drank more water.
3.  I decided *not* to get a yummy cinnamon sugar pretzel from Auntie Anne's even though I had originally planned to get one since they were FREE!

So far this week is going well - we'll see what happens on Saturday!  How are you doing?  A lot of you have snow - does it make it even harder to stay on track?  We can do this - let's have a great finish to our week!!

Don't forget to enter my Progresso soup giveaway - today is the last day!

Have a healthy day!
Lisa  :)


  1. Sounds like you're doing well. Congrats!

    I'm staying around the same weight, but I'm toning and feeling good overall. This has been my first winter in some time without a lot of depression. PTL!

  2. I think you are doing a great job, diligent with not mindless snacking and weighing in each week. We all have to live life, in proportion! Keep it up :)

  3. I am impressed that you met all of your goals...I have GOT to start tracking my food everyday. My biggest downfall...and drinking water!

  4. Awesome. Turning down free cinnamon sugar pretzel is a badge of honor - especially Auntie Anne's! Kudos!


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