Thursday, August 21, 2008

Transition to Healthy

OK, I'm getting ready to get back in the groove of being healthy. How about you?

I guess back to school is a good time to start over. I'm not rejoining Weight Watchers quite yet. I want to try some things on my own first. I did gain an extra 3-4 pounds this last 2 weeks away from home, so now I have an even bigger amount to lose!

The first thing I will do is follow the steps in this article: 7 Small Steps to a Healthy You
from Weight Watchers. I did it in April and lost 3 pounds that week. I was also doing better at eating more fruit and drinking water. Those are good habits! Another one of the steps is to write out your goals, including personal goals. When I did that in April, one goal was to start a blog...I achieved that one!

Since the 7 steps start on a Monday, I will go ahead and start this Monday. That will give me time to plan for it and grocery shop to make sure I have plenty of fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods on hand.

Will you join me in following these steps next week? We can do it!

Lisa :)


  1. Thanks for the tips..we are going on a little vacation and I hope I don't gain the weight I have lost this week. cherry

  2. Count me in. Last week I was right at the cusp of going back into my 140's, but somehow I'm thinking I didn't make it. I will prevail though and next week will be the week. I know it!!


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