Saturday, May 23, 2009

Time For Another Fresh Start

I'm sorry I have neglected this blog lately. My weight is still up from after my trip. I have been very frustrated and trying to decide what to do. I have not been making very good food choices. I have done a little Wii Fit, but not enough activity.

But today I went to a Weight Watchers meeting and signed up! I was dreading it before I did it, but felt much better afterward! My weight was a horrible number, of course, but I do feel motivated to work on it. I know I can be successful! So my first weight-loss goal is to lose 5% of my weight. I'm so glad that WW added this new goal, as it feels much more doable right now than the 10%.

WW also has the new Momentum program. I got the intro on it and it sounds great. I actually did Wii Fit today and made better food choices!

Since I haven't been around here much and now am starting something new, I decided to just make a sort of fresh start on the blog - a new look and more posting. I have a recipe that I'll be posting here sometime over the weekend. I'll be posting more often beginning next week. Is there anything that you're interested in seeing here? Let me know!

I hope to make a lot of good food and fitness choices this week. And I hope you have a wonderful week! Thanks for "listening"!


  1. I am with you Lisa, can you tell me about the momentum program, everytime I have went to WW it has worked and I am thinking about going back.


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