Monday, July 28, 2008

A Giveaway!

Ooohhh - a Giveaway! First time on this blog! You have to go check out the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival! There are hundreds of giveaways on blogs. So much fun!

I am giving away to one random commenter: 2 Weight Watchers cookbooks; they are a few years old, but have plenty of great recipes, photos, and include the points for each recipe.

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post. Tips and encouragement for health and weight loss won't help your chances, but are greatly appreciated!! :)

This giveaway is only open to people in the U.S. (Sorry! - shipping...). I will do the random drawing on Thursday evening 7/31 and e-mail the winner. If the winner doesn't respond in 4 days, I'll choose a new winner.

Thanks for stopping by! I will even try to post a recipe or two from these cookbooks during the week.

Lisa :)


  1. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    Be sure to check out my giveaway too:

  2. Anything FREE and chocolate I'm there!!! Fun~fun~fun!

    Here's mine!

  3. I'm also working on losing weight by eating healthier and trying to stay active. Great giveaways!

  4. bf and I are stumbling around with WW's the cookbooks could help us stay on track!

    Great Giveaway! thanks!

  5. I love love cook books and these are awesome!

  6. I'm getting married in less than a year, these would help me tremendously!! :)

  7. Thanks for the giveaway. I could use the encouragement
    with these cookbooks...and your blog (I'm subscribing.) I try to remember it's a day-by-day journey...just do one thing today to get healthy. (Eat fruit, instead of chocolate. Oops! Surely I didn't say that.) Just kidding.

  8. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. I'd love to win. Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. I only eat sweets on the weekend. Believe it or not, I have lost weight since doing this. I also drink 2 qts of water per day.

  11. This looks great, with my family of eight, I always need a way to cook fast and healthy dishes!

  12. Oh, these look wonderful! Great idea!!

  13. I'm always up for new recipes, especially if they might be healthy!!

  14. this looks awesome. i just got the wii fit and lost 7 lbs

  15. I am eating Cheetos right now as I read this, so I don't know how much help I could be. The best tip I can offer (for when I am doing a good job of getting healthy) is walk, walk, walk! An active lifestyle is a must for a healthy one.

  16. I'm glad I came across your blog - I am just about to start on my weigh loss journey so I can use all the tips, advice, etc! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!


  17. More cookbooks are always helpful, especially when it comes to meal planning for 4. I did get that new Sienfield book, deceptively delicious, about cooking with purees, really interesting and cuts back a lot on the use of sugar. The chocolate chip cookies were a hit. :)

    killlashandra at hotmail dot com

  18. I LOVE Weight Watchers, and as soon as I pop my baby out, I'm going back on the plan!

    My favorite weight loss tip is to drink a LOT of water! It's probably a placebo, but it always makes me feel a little more full!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    saharagreen at gmail dot com

  19. Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!!
    dsmoore1 at centurytel dot net

  20. My mom, sister and I are all doing WW...and since May 1st, i have lost 28 lbs!!! It is fantastic!!! I would LOVE to win these cookbooks and find some great stuff to make for us all!!! Thanks so much for the chance! :)

  21. If I won this, I'd HAVE to try harder!

  22. I'm on day 6 of WW... we'll see how it's going tomorrow! These would be great!

  23. I love cookbooks! I don't have any tips on weight loss....I haven't been too successful there but maybe the WW cookbook will help me!

  24. I have no tips, but need them big time!
    I am getting ready to start to WW. A LOT of my friends are doing it and are losing big time.

  25. I was just thinking today that I want to start cooking healthier meals instead of yummy, fatty ones. :) Tip: chew gum if you've got the munchies. Works for me! Thanks for the giveaway. claireroach81(at)hotmail(dot)com

  26. I have no tips but maybe these cook books hold some answers for me. Thanks....dlowran1(at)comcast(dot)net

  27. I can understand the weight battle so well! I wish you well with your journey! I would love to have these books!

  28. We really struggle with tasty, healthy recipes. I'm always open to new ideas.

  29. I love cookbooks that help me make quick meals. I rarely have time for anything that takes too long and hate to order out.

    krisindam at mac dot com

  30. Please include me!!!! Great giveaway!

    sorry no tips I'm working on this myself!

  31. i heart cookbooks! thanks for this fun giveaway! kristen


  32. Need to get back on WW myself... these would be so good to have!

  33. My dh and I need to get on WW. I would definitely need the recipes.


  34. This would be awesome for my family! I would even share with my sil who is on WW. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! trishblack(at)juno(dot)com

  35. Sounds great! I'm always looking for good healthy recipes. Count me in!!

  36. I am on WW right now and I have been meaning to go get some cookbooks at it must make it easier! Maybe I'll wait until you announce a winner...

    I'd love to be entered! Thanks, Angie

  37. I am considering joining weight watchers.

  38. I love cookbooks and look forward to seeing the tasty recipes here.


  39. I'm always looking for new healthy recipes and these cookbooks look great!

  40. Hi thank you for the book giveaway..did I say we like to search cookbooks for neat, easy and fresh meals.
    cjinhb at smn dot com

  41. Eat your dinner on small plates, it helps with portion control.

  42. My mom is on WW and would love these! I'll have to steal glances though to get some recipes for myself. As for my advice, I'm currently preggo, and am on the 'mini-meals' plan... which is actually healthier for everyone. Instead of 3 large meals a day, eat 6 mini-meals. I actually really like it. Thanks for the chance to win! laurachilton {at} hotmail {dot} com

  43. I am currently going to WW and these books would be so helpful.

    My best tip is not to be so hard on yourself. It's OK to have that chocolate chip cookie. It doesn't mean you are a failure. Even if you eat 20 chocolate chip cookies - IT'S OK!!! Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep on going.

    Thanks for the YUMMY giveaway.

    HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net

  44. My tip is to have only healthy food in the house. When I want a treat I walk to the corner store. I have to really want the treat to take a walk.

  45. What great cookbooks! My main tip I give everyone is that we all need to move for at least 30 minutes a day. I try to walk but sometimes just doing housework will count.

    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway you are having.

  46. Thanks for the giveaway! tinawittmer(at)yahoo(dot)com

  47. Love cookbooks. Always trying to find new healthy recipes.

  48. Hey there! I just started WW (again!) now that my little guy is 10 months old. Should've done it several months ago, but oh well - my tip as to what's working for me? Measure everything and track, track, track! Those cookbooks would be awesome :) Thanks! laurieheesen@gmail (dot) com

  49. They just started a Weight Watchers class at my church so this would be perfect!!

    elkmeese at yahoo dot com

  50. Love to win this, i'm trying to loose 100lbs and these would be a great help.

  51. i just joined WW. after 2 kids and 70lbs - it's
    MY TIME!!! I would love to win these!!!

  52. I have always wanted to join WW but haven't had the money. The book would be great to have..

  53. I need all the help I can get when it comes to healthy cooking!

  54. I would love to win! I am going on WW after I have my baby! I was on before I got pregnant as well & really liked it.

  55. I'd love to be entered in your great giveaway! Thanks :)

  56. I attend WW so these would be great.

  57. My husband lost 50 lbs. on Weight Watcher, my turn now! We don't have any of their cookbooks so these would be great!

  58. I would love to win these. I am trying to be healthier and everything helps!

  59. cool, i love new cookbooks, especially if they have easy and healthy recipes!

  60. These sound great! yummy

  61. Ugh I gained 50 lbs with my son, and am in desperate need of some yummy low fat/low cal recipes.

  62. I would really like to start preparing more healthy meals. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

  63. I'm (secretly) trying to get hubby to lose weight...maybe this will do the trick!

    As for advice - get a walking buddy or just someone who will hold you accountable - write everything down or talk about it...knowing that your food habits aren't a secret will really make you think twice about what you eat ;)

  64. I'm always looking for healthy recipes. Thanks!

  65. This would be perfect as I'm getting ready to go back on WW to lose my last 20. I am also writing WW friendly recipes over at Blissfully Domestic and it would be great to have some new recipes to share. Thanks for a great giveaway!!

  66. We really need this cookbook! Thanks for the chance to win.

  67. I'd love to win these and read other people's tips. I have to lose my pregnancy weight ASAP.

  68. I like your idea--cut back, but don't eliminate. When I first started losing weight (30 pounds) I cut out everything. But then I ran out of steam. Now I'm really struggling with those things.

  69. Breastfeeding has helped me lose the baby fat tremendously as has weight watchers which has a special program for breastfeeding women. Thanks for the giveaway

  70. Wow, these books would be great inspiration as I start back up with my WW points program and healthy lifestyle revamp. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  71. Please enter me into your drawing, I'd love to try some of their recipes.

  72. These books would be a big help to me as I start to lose weight

  73. I love WW recipe books...

    Thanks for this opportunity,

  74. I usually eat off of a small plate (dessert plate) so I won't put as much food on it -- it does help!

    musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

  75. Stick to it. I'm not very good at that part!

  76. I love WW! I know I can get off track and then just pick up right where I left off! It always WORKS!!!!!! You just have to STICK to it!!!!! =)

    We all know that!

    Great giveaway! I love cookbooks and I love the WW ones! I don't have these! I love the fact they have the points listed! It makes it sooooooooooooooooooo much easier to be faithful to you and your food!!!! =)

  77. PS - Sorry...I didn't leave my info! I didn't mean to enter twice!!!

  78. Sorry to say, I have no tips. That's probably why I have not been able to lose weight ;)

    I have been wanting to try WW.

  79. Thank you for hosting this giveaway
    tiffanyannrosson at yahoo dot com

  80. Sounds great, thanks!

    kpuleski at gmail dot com

  81. I agree that WW really helped me learn how to control portions and lose weight

    jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

  82. I tried WW and lost several lbs. i need to do it again!

  83. I'm trying to loose also. When I lost 20 lbs a few years ago I drank lots of water and made sure I at least walked 5 times a week.


Leave a comment and say hello! I'd love to hear from you!